“Outdoor Heating” Bring some Warmth and Light to the Winter months!

“Outdoor Heating” Bring some Warmth and Light to the Winter months!

Outdoor Heating:

With winter upon us and the cold weather setting in ,it can put a real downer on business and home life so why not warm and brighten up your outdoor space!

For businesses with outdoor seating areas such as cafes, bars, clubs and sport’s areas, outdoor heaters ensure that these outdoor areas stay useable through the winter months! Ensuring you don’t lose out on any custom!

Sleek and stylish designs ensures they fit seamlessly into multiple environments and are not just a functional addition.


Patio Heaters are now so advanced they have become both economical and an environmentally sound way to keep an outdoor environment warm and comfortable. Electric Patio Heaters have many benefits including:

  • NOT being considered for banning as they produce no direct CO2 emissions
  • Use 85% less energy than gas patio heaters
  • Being odour free
  • Silent
  • Effective even in windy conditions
  • Provide cost effective instant heat at the flick of a switch
  • Easy installation

Commercial Use

Most of the commercial patio heaters NWT Direct sell are completely weatherproof and can operate in various climatic conditions including torrential rain. A typical Patio Heater costs only 14p per kW/hour to run and are clean, safe and easy to install. Modern units also look good and add a classy feel to any outdoor patio, bar or smoking area.

Outdoor Electric Heaters make sense, not just commercial sense but also environmental sense. Commercially, the cost of Outdoor Electric Heaters is about 14 pence per kilowatt per hour and with the average outdoor heater using about 2 kilowatts of power, a typical pub or club, with say two of these heaters, will only be consuming electricity at a rate of 28 pence an hour. To make a direct comparison, two equivalent gas outdoor heaters will be costing something in the order of £2.50 per hour in gas alone to run, so environmental Outdoor Electric Heaters are certainly the way to go.

Beware of the cheap electric patio heaters available today. They have cheap heating lamps that will last 120 hours or so rather than the 5,000 to 7,000 hours a good quality lamp will last. The glass is not tempered and filters much of the infrared heat away, they will rust very quickly and the heat lamps give out mainly medium wave heat that will not travel as far and not warm as well.

Equestrian Use

The therapeutic benefits of radiant heat and sunlight are well documented in authoritative books on equine enquiry and therapy.

Ultraviolet light: has found to benefit stable-kept horses, a source of artificial sunlight to boost general health and well being.


  • Improves blood circulation and cellular metabolism
  • Improves muscle elasticity in advance of intensive work, thereby reducing the risk of sustaining injury
  • Helps reduce stiffness after work, promotes relaxation and recovery
  • Assists in the relief of pain after injury particularly back pain
  • Improves general health, condition and well being of the horse/pony
  • Helps dry-off a horse/pony after exercise or wash-down

For more information on our range of outdoor heaters don’t hesitate to contact one of our sales team!

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